What type of people attend classes?
Pole fitness is suitable for all ages, sizes, abilities and fitness levels. Its natural to feel intimidated attending your first session - but just remember, everyone in your class will be beginners and our expert instructors will provide a fun and welcoming atmosphere to get you hooked!
I'm not very athletic,flexible or co-ordinated, will I be able to do pole/aerial hoop?
At Spin City we welcome everyone - regardless of dance experience, flexibility, athletic ability or fitness level. Being able to support your body weight and having a little coordination will help but remember - these are the skills you will learn during your course. As with everything, it will come more naturally to some people that others but everyone can do it! We all learn in different ways, at different speeds and SpinCity helps provide an inclusive atmosphere to learn in where you can develop your own unique style!
What are the benefits of pole fitness?
Burn calories - 300 per class approx
Sculpt and tone your muscles - especially your arms and abdominals
Increase your flexibility
Improve coordination, grace, style and dance ability
Build your confidence and self-esteem
Have a great workout in a fun, social environment!
What should I wear/bring?
Pole Fitness Classes - Bare arms and legs are essential for gripping onto the pole, so we suggest shorts and either a t-shirt or vest. We tend to go bare foot, but dance shoes are also an option. Try not to moisturise on the day of your lesson (sorry!) as this can affect your grip on the pole.
Aerial Hoop - It is important to have skin covered and we suggest that you wear several layers. Fitted clothing is better than loose items, so leggings, tights, vest and leotards are all suitable.
Dance - comfortable gym kit with either dance shoes or trainers works well.
Stretch classes - Layers are best, it is important to keep warm whilst stretching.
How to I book/Pay?
To book go to the timetable and booking tab, and go to the class you wish to book onto. On your first booking you will be asked to provide an email address and phone number, however this is purely so that we can contact you if need be. You will also be asked to fill in a health questionnaire.
Please read the information on the class you are booking onto, as our instructors are self employed most classes ask for a payment on booking through a booking system or bank transfer.
We do not have card payment facilities.
How old do I have to be to do pole?
Due to insurance we are unable to teach anyone under the age of eighteen, but there is no upper age limit
I'm new, what do I do?!
You want to start a class but not sure what to do, that's fine, it's quite straight forward! If you want to try pole but are a complete beginner have a look at our 'timetables and bookings' tab, any classes that are suitable for you will be marked beginner!
Just log on with a few details so that we can contact you, and book! (you have to pay at the class on the day, unfortunately we don't have card facilities)
Your instructor will probably notice that you are new, but you could just pop over an email to that instructor to let them know, especially if you are nervous or have any issues that you want them to know about beforehand.
If you want to know a bit more about those classes, (i.e what to wear or what to bring) you can look on the classes tab, which will give you a guide on what to expect in your class.